Home » How Yoga Keeps Your Skin Glowing

How Yoga Keeps Your Skin Glowing

by maharishiyogapeeth
Face Yoga

Do you worry about your dull skin or fine lines? If yes – there are chances that you use night creams, serums or other chemically derived skin supplements to help regain its suppleness and radiance. Worry not, there’s a healthy alternative to get clear and glowing skin – yoga. It has several health benefits, including improving the glow of your skin.

There are lots of proven benefits of doing yoga regularly, such as aiding digestion, strengthening muscles, ease muscle pain and more. However, a lesser-known fact is yoga can boost the glow on your face and give you a clear skin.

How does yoga help skin?
Skin is the largest organ in the human body.
1. Relaxes mind
Doing yoga keeps your mind relaxed and reduces stress, leading to a healthier mind and calmer face. The more you relax, the better skin you have.
2. Improves blood circulation
Doing yoga poses stretches your blood vessels and improve blood circulation. So, blood reaches areas that are generally hindered. In turn, helping blood in your skin areas. Headstands, for instance, can improve blood circulation to your face and make your face glow instantly.
3. Improves sleep
Lack of sleep is easily visible on the face when you have droopy eyes and dull skin. Doing yoga poses can significantly improve your sleep. Once you’re getting 8 hours of sound sleep, you will notice a considerable boost in your skin radiance.
4. Improve the supply of oxygen
Yoga poses such as Trikonasana open up your lungs, chest and heart, thus improving oxygen supply to your body. Increase supply of oxygen naturally shows on your skin.
Trikonasana Yoga Pose
5. Detoxify
Doing challenging yoga poses such as cobra pose, trikonasana, paschimottasana, dhanurasana, etc. can make you sweat. Sweating takes toxins out of your body. So, you detoxify, giving you a good glow.
How to start yoga for skin?
If you don’t yet do yoga regularly, you can start by incorporating face yoga. It helps rejuvenate your skin. Here’s a step-by-step process to do it:
– Start by making your mouth in an ‘O’ shape. Then, gently turn your mouth, so your mouth resembles a smile. While you do this, make sure your teethes are covered with your lips.
– 1 minute later, close your eyes and roll your eyes towards the ceiling.
– Do this twice a week.
Eventually, you can start incorporating other yoga poses in your regular routine and reap greater benefits from it and move towards your goal of supple, clear-looking skin. If you’re new to yoga, you can also take 100-hours yoga teacher training courses to learn yoga and become better at yoga.
What else?
– Drink water
Don’t forget to drink water; it helps remove toxins from the body. Lack of water in the body is easily noticeable on the face, especially on lips. So, drink enough water to keep your body and face hydrated.
– Walk
Don’t forget to walk. Regardless of the number of times you do yoga, a sedentary lifestyle can make your skin dull. So, make a habit to walk daily.
Final words
All in all, yoga has several health benefits, including improving skin. So, start doing yoga regularly and reap its benefits. Sooner or later, you will see yourself increasingly motivated to do yoga regularly as you notice your brightening face and energetic mood.

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