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Comparison between Email Marketing and SMS Marketing for Lead Generation

by andy6
demand generation

Since the advent of the Internet, email marketing and demand generation has become popular as powerful tool for marketing campaigns. SMS marketing was common before email marketing, and its significance has increased dramatically over the past ten years. The ways in which email marketing and SMS marketing provide information to the customer are significant. The following comparison can assist you in coming to a well-informed decision if you are unsure of which type of marketing is preferable.

Comparing SMS text message marketing to email marketing

  • Deliverability

Since it is simple to opt-in or out of an SMS marketing campaign, as a marketer you can only obtain a list of interested customers. However, marketing emails are distributed more frequently and have larger lists. Without even reading them, people quickly mistake them for spam and place them in their trash mail folder. You must work hard to get your point across in emails because 40% of them are forwarded to spam folders. The importance of texts is increased because the typical person receives 120 emails per day but only 67 texts.

  • Rate of Opening

Today’s consumers are highly disorganized. The majority of us have developed the habit of surfing on our phones while we watch TV or check our emails as we listen to podcasts. It doesn’t matter whether we are better at multitasking or if our attention span has shrunk; it’s harder for marketers to hold their audience’s attention. Contrarily, text messaging has a longer attention span. In contrast to an email, which only has a 20% opening rate, it often has a 98 percent opening rate. In contrast to persons who wait 90 minutes or longer to reply to emails, texts are also replied to in 90 seconds. Text messaging has always been significant.

  • CTR (Click through Rate)

Emails and SMS have distinct click-through rates, but they both depend on the written call to action. Because text messages can only include 160 characters, out a call to action can be challenging. The link is a valuable resource because the sole goal of both methods of marketing is to persuade consumers to take advantage of the offer. Customers are more likely to click on a branded link.

  • Cost

The cost of sending SMS messages is higher than that of sending emails, depending on the rules of the country. A more economical way to reach a bigger audience with sensitive issues is through email marketing. Without spending a lot of money, you may also personalize your emails and distribute them to your customers.

Including SMS and email in your overall marketing strategy is a savvy approach to the market. You must consider each option’s advantages and disadvantages before developing your own approach. Take the help of a professional company like Enroll to help you with your demand generation.

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