Home » Some Interesting Facts About Mono PERC Solar Panels

Some Interesting Facts About Mono PERC Solar Panels

by JennyClarke
Mono PERC Solar

Mono PERC solar panels are made of a single silicon crystal. Because they are composed of high-quality silicon crystals, they have a high efficiency, superior low-light performance, and a long life span. Polycrystalline (Poly) is made by melting several silicon crystals together. They are simple to make, cost-effective, and generate little waste. Rapid developments in cell manufacturing techniques, on the other hand, are starting to erode the economic advantage that poly modules had over their mono counterparts. Mono PERC solar panels account for 50% of worldwide PV cell output as of 2018. Other cell advancements include bifacial and thin-film cells. The former, on the other hand, is relatively new, while the latter is inefficient for domestic use.

Solar cells typically feature an emitter layer on the front side and a black coating on the back. Passivated Emitter and Back Cell (PERC), on the other hand, employs a dielectric passivation coating on the rear surface of the cells.

What is Mono PERC solar panels?

“Passivated emitter and rear contact” or “rear cell” is what PERC stands for. Mono PERC solar panels are made up of PERC cells, which have an extra layer on the back of regular solar cells. PERC cells are more efficient than regular cells because of this extra layer, which allows more sunlight to be absorbed and converted into power. PERC modules can also reduce back recombination and prevent longer wavelengths from converting to heat, which would degrade the cell’s performance.

Since 1989, PERC technology has been present, however commercial implementations have run into issues due to growing light-induced deterioration. PERC modules, on the other hand, have a 1 percentage point better efficiency than normal modules, thanks to continual advances over the years.  Given that a standard module’s efficiency is approximately 20%, a system utilizing PERC modules will generate around 5% more energy than a system using standard modules, all other factors being equal.

Why Mono PERC panels are used?

Solar modules using Mono Perc technology are leading the path for more efficient PV systems. Consumers are increasingly opting for mono PERC panels as the demand for high efficiency panels grows. The panels may be utilized for a variety of solar projects, although they work best on rooftops. Furthermore, the panels may be constructed to generate a more energy dense module without significantly increasing the cost of construction.

  • Cost effective

Despite the fact that Mono Perc panels are more expensive, the efficiency level of each individual panel is greater, justifying the capital investment. In addition, as the quantity of solar panels decreases, the cost of installation and components such as inverters, racking, and wiring decreases, saving a significant amount of money on the project.

  • Highly Flexible

When compared to typical panels, Mono Perc solar panels are enhanced with additional layers. This makes them more suited to operate effectively in both low light and high temperatures. The solar power plant that uses Mono Perc panels generates power early in the day. They can continue to do so until late in the day, eventually providing more energy than standard panels.

  • Affordable cost

Aside from high efficiency Mono Perc panels, current infrastructure technologies may be used to make them with minimum investment in the production process. The Mono Perc solar cell technology is simple. It requires little training for production personnel who are already familiar with other types of solar cell manufacture.

Mono PERC PANEL is best option

In low-light circumstances, mono PERC panels are known to perform better. These solar panels have a large photovoltaic capacity and produce more power even when there is less sunshine. The one-of-a-kind design complements the system’s attractiveness and sets it apart. Monocrystalline panels have a unique design that not only improves their appearance but also has scientific implications. The design helps generate more power by increasing the surface area for sunlight interaction. Other advantages of Mono PERC panels versus Polycrystalline panels are as follows:

  • The cells of Monocrystalline panels are covered with silicon nitride, which helps to decrease sunlight reflection and hence boost power output.
  • The heat resistance of mono PERC panels is superior. This helps to improve the system’s performance and eliminate any failures, which can be a major management headache.
  • Monocrystalline panels have phosphorous on the top surface, which aids in the creation of a complicated electric field for improved efficiency. The negatively charged electric orientation causes this, as opposed to the positive electric orientation beneath it.
  • The mono PERC cells’ distinctive pyramid design provides a larger surface area. This is why these panels are more efficient at generating electricity.
  • The produced power is subsequently gathered via sophisticated metal conductors, which are renowned to give the system a sleek appearance.
  • These solar panels will last for a long time. The panels have been known to survive for up to 35-40 years, and even longer if properly cared for.
  • Monocrystalline panels’ efficiency is increased by at least 30% as a result of the foregoing attributes. The most up-to-date solar technology guarantees that you get the most out of your panels.

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