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Science Says Print Books Are Good for You

Science Says Print Books Are Good for You

by ilovemyoffers

Have you ever found yourself smelling the pages of a new book? Then probably you are the person spending most of your money to get the books and the bookstores. Print books are not in the past, and it has seen a resurgence for all good reasons. In the United Kingdom, Blackwell is the best place where you will get academic books and it is one of the largest library suppliers in the country. Why do we always prefer print books over e-books?

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The brain absorbs more information

Readers of print books always absorb more information than e-book readers. The readers of print books also score high in the areas such as empathy, understanding the narrative and immersing in the book. It is believed that this happens due to the tactic sensation to hold the book in the hand. The readers feel they are exploring and unfolding a story by waxing and waning the pages of a book and they can see and feel the progress of the story. With a print book in your hands, you can confirm the written information without moving from your place, with a mobile or a laptop.

Children become better reader

It has been reported that children have a lower understanding of the story when the parents or someone else read it for them from an e-book. Theoretically, children get distracted by the electronic device from where mamma is reading the book. They get a hard time concentrating on the story due to the electronic device. It has been observed that the students who e-books were less engaged with the narrative than students who followed print books.

Comfortable for eyes

Considering that our daily job requires staring at the computer screens, and it is quite stressful. The eyes start turning and irritation. After being exposed to the screen constantly, the eyes need a break. Give the eyes the required break whenever you can. Many students complain about their strained eyes after reading digitally. E-books can cause screen fatigue, resulting in blurred vision, dryness, redness, and irritation. You can give the eye a break with print books but do not need to stop reading.

No distraction

With e-books, the readers get easily distracted. If you read the books on your mobile, you cannot stop looking at other notifications popping up. You may feel the same urge as reading to reply to a message from your bestie. When the internet is right at your fingertip, you may want to use it. The digital readers need more time to invest in scanning the keywords than spending on the reading. With a print book, there are no scopes of getting distracted by the popped-up notifications and links or getting your concentration bogged down by the invitation of the internet. The students tend to multitask while reading digitally more than the print book readers. When your goal is completely grasping and comprehending the text, always opt for e-books.

Sleep better

The most important difference that e-books and print books have is their capability to make you fall asleep. We all know, that when we try to wind down at the end of the day, staring at the blue screen for reading or for social media can make us deprived of sleep. The blue rays of the mobile phone keep us distracted from sleeping as it keeps stimulating the brain delaying the REM sleep cycle. In addition, the blue light of cell phones stops melatonin production that controls the sleep-awake-cycle. As a result, you will feel groggier the entire day after waking up.

Library at home

Having a library at your home is always an added advantage when you are a pro-reader, researcher, or student. With print books always available, you can access them anytime. However, there are some restrictions if using e-books, such as lack of digital storage space, how long downloads will be available, how much content can be downloaded, and the list is a long one. Moreover, having a library setup will encourage the students to study and inspire the children to read and learn.

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