It’s just beginning with the third verse(God). Although we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh. In other words, we are engaged in a walk. If you’re a Christian you are engaged in a war. Not a basketball court. Not a playground, not a football stadium but you’re engaged in a battle for you. Also, check- spiritual weapon 5e
All the weapons of our warfare.
I’m not sure they’re not carnal but there might it through God to the pulling down of strongholds. The apostle Paul said I’m going to use a weapon. That will be new to you. But they’re going to pull down the devil’s strong. And there is a spiritual weapon the word of god All the Holy Spirit. Also, check- cinderella stepsisters names
Danny said we’re casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every. Should there be a surprise? A person who is living in the spirit has she been brilliant? So the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. No. The pharmacy.
Plain living and high thinking
The Bible says as. What do you think? What goes through your mind? What do you think about when you’re alone someone else said plain living and high thinking on noble. One of the most important things in our lives is going to control our minds.
Proverbs 1632 says he got room his mind is greater than he that taketh a city. Means to rule all of your minds. You spend a great deal of time alone many of you do. So your mind is your only companion. What do you think about what you tell your mind about?
That’s your only companion is your mind. For many of you. Isaiah the prophet said that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed all night. Do you keep your mind on Christ? You get your mind off-price and you get it on some things you should be thinking about do you pray Lord to forgive me and help me get my mind back on price I do many times.
The law of God
The Bible says first of all that the mind your mind is set and met their gain. Your mind does not want to do anything about god to start. This 87 it says the carnal fleshly mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be the apostle.
Paul wrote to the cautions in the first Chapman said that until they had come to the world. Come to Christ they were alienated and are in their mind. Enemies of god from god separated from God in your mind. And your mind is a part of that decision. Such a model did not obey the law of God.
It’s Cemex to send. Mind the things of the flesh. The Bible warns against having that kind of carnal flesh that mind that is dominated by the devil of myself which. And then the mind is not only. I just got but it’s also a blinded mine. Second Corinthians 3 says in the god of this world. Blinded the minds of them which belief not.
Supernatural power
He has yes supernatural power to blind your mind. And you let it you have to let it do you let it begin blindly you’re mine. I cannot account for the current Dale that hangs over the hearts and some people. Many people are very close to the kingdom of god many people surrounded.
Believing friend may I know what young man right now surrounded by believing reared in the church read. For god. The blessing is set at the table at every meal and today he’s way out in the left-field on drugs. Sack all the rest of. Blinded by the god of this world.
They’re led to the will of sight and medical tell me I don’t understand I’ve heard this all my life I’ve tried to leave but I. They’re blinded. I’m the only person that can open yours. The truth is this. You must ask him to copy and open your eyes supernaturally. What she will do tonight before you leave?
If you will allow. Yes, your mind is that in your mind is blank. But then there’s the doubtful mind the Bible talks about a little while Jesus said neither be ye opt out full mind the Bible warns against the double-minded person. James says a double-minded man is unstable in all his way.
And this scares the idea of a person who wishes to secure both worlds. Do you want one foot in heaven? In the pleasures of this life. And you cannot. You got to go one way or the other. So there are many of you that are torn between your sinful pleasures and appetites. And your desire to have and you know that you can’t have both. You’ve got to make a choice Jesus said there to roads and like that’s the broad road that leads to destruction that’s narrow that leads to eternal life. And there’s a narrow gauge and that yeah it is and it’s all going to be decided on what you do about Christ’s. Have you repented of your sins are you sure?
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